Tips for Improving Office Printer Sales

In recent years, the adaptation of various technologies such as cloud storage in businesses has reduced the need for printed paper information because people and business owners can access the information on handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. As a result, the need for printers and photocopy machines has significantly reduced and so has office printer sales. However, it is still possible to make printer and photocopier sales because their usefulness has not yet been completely exhausted. Below are four tips on how to go about it.

Selling multi-purpose printers.

Unlike traditional printers, printers come equipped with different technologies that are essential for business offices. For instance, modern printers are capable of sending and receiving faxes, scanning and photocopying in addition to printing. It is easier to sell multi-purpose printers that offer a variety of services as opposed to traditional ones that are only useful for printing. It is, therefore, advisable for printer salespeople to focus on selling modern printers so as to see an increase in their office printer sales.

Selling compatible printers.

The rise of smartphones and tablets has forced printer manufacturers to develop printers that are compatible with these devices. As a result, most businesses that utilize the handheld devices are looking for printers that are consistent with either a smartphone or a tablet.  Thus if a salesman is seeking to improve their office printer sales, they should immediately shift from selling traditional, solely computer compatible printers to smartphone compatible printers.

Emphasizing a printer's additional features.

Different printers and photocopiers have the same function. However, they do not have similar features. By focusing on the extra features that the printer you are selling has over other printers, it could help improve your office printer sales. For instance, if your printers have a higher 'dot per inch' ratio then they are best suited for printing flyers. In such a case focus your sales pitching to businesses that print flyers. Every unique feature installed in a printer applies to a particular business that is suited for that particular printer.

Focusing on home offices.

More often than not, business people take their work home, and as a result, they occasionally find themselves in need of printing services while working from their home offices. A sales associate can improve office printer sales by focusing on middle-class suburban areas or apartments where these business people live. It is highly unlikely that a door to door printer selling campaign will lack a handful of new customers from different areas.
