4 Reasons Even Small Businesses Should Invest in Branded Stationery

You might think investing in branded stationery is only something larger businesses need to think about, but even very small businesses can find it advantageous. With letters, envelopes and other stationery custom printed with your business' name and logo, you'll enjoy a wide selection of benefits that should help grow your business and more than earn back the initial cost.

Here are just four reasons for small businesses to use branded stationery.

1. Gain Exposure

With branded stationery, you essentially turn any correspondence into advertising without anyone feeling like they're being advertised to. You want your business' name and logo to linger in people's minds, and that happens more easily when you present them with branded letters and envelopes. Even people who don't actually receive what you're sending will be exposed to your business name and logo.

2. Gain Legitimacy

Not all small businesses use branded stationery, but it's hard to find a large one that doesn't. Moving your own small business over to branded stationery won't make it a larger one, but it will make it feel like a larger one. When someone reads a letter with a branded letterhead or receives mail in a branded envelope, they're more likely to view the sender as an established business. It creates a more professional air that helps build trust. It's the same reason an email from @'yourbusinessname'.com will generally be received better than one from '@hotmail.com'.

3. Build Your Brand

Branding is something small businesses often forget about, but it's definitely worth considering. A brand simply helps tell people what kind of business you are. For example, using branded stationery can instantly show either a fun and creative streak for a design company or a more serious and professional air for an accountancy business. Custom business stationery is the ideal place to develop your brand and let other people know why it's different from the rest.

4. Provide Your Details

If the benefits listed above haven't convinced you branded stationery is worth the investment, consider the purely practical reasons for having it done. When branded stationery is sent, the person who receives it will have all your details to hand since your business' relevant email address, physical address and name will all be printed right at the top. It might sound like a small detail, but having your contact details so visible makes it easier for people to differentiate your mail and lets them know how easy it is to reach you.

To learn more, contact your local commercial printing service today.
